الأربعاء، 29 أكتوبر 2008

TRACHEA - Foriegn Body

Foreign Bodies in The Tracheo-Bronchial Tree
Most of the pictures in this post are from: Prof. Dr. Mohammad El Begermy

Case 1: Coin in the trachea

Case 2: Pin in the trachea

Case 3: Pin in the left main bronchus

Case 4: Nail in the right main bronchus

Case 5: Screw in the left main bronchus

Case 6: FB in the right main bronchus

FB Endoscopic View

Peanut impacted in the subglottic larynx

Emphysema due to partial left bronchus obstruction

Emphysema due to partial right bronchus obstruction

Emphysema due to partial left bronchus obstruction

Emphysema due to partial right bronchus obstruction

Collapse due to complete left bronchus obstruction

Collapse due to complete left bronchus obstruction

Left Lung Abscess

Video: FB in the left main bronchus

Video: Bronchoscopy to extract tracheal FB


Video: Removal of FB right main bronchus

Video: Removal of sponge FB

Video: Removal of peanut FB

Video: Removal of metallic bead FB

الأحد، 26 أكتوبر 2008

TRACHEA - Anatomy

TRACHEA - Anatomy

Video: Normal Trachea

From: Airway Reconstruction Unit
Charing Cross Hospital

الأحد، 12 أكتوبر 2008

LARYNX - Neoplastic

LARYNX - Neoplastic





RRP - Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis

Adult Single Papilloma


Cancer Larynx

Supraglottic CA

Subglottic CA

Glottic CA T1a

Glottic CA T1a

Glottic CA T1a
Glottic CA T1b

Glottic CA T2

Glottic CA T2

Glottic CA T3

Glottic CA T3

Cancer Larynx T4
Cancer Larynx T4
Cancer Larynx T4

Video: Cancer Larynx T1a

From: Kevin Kavanagh, MD, FACS www.entusa.com

Video: Cancer Larynx T1b

From: Kevin Kavanagh, MD, FACS www.entusa.com

Video: Cancer Larynx T2

From: Kevin Kavanagh, MD, FACS www.entusa.com

Video: Cancer Larynx T3

From: Kevin Kavanagh, MD, FACS www.entusa.com

Video: Cancer Larynx T4

From: Kevin Kavanagh, MD, FACS www.entusa.com

Rehabilitation After Total Laryngectomy